HM Attorney General authorises fraudulent submissions to bolster a High Court claim against a former prisoner who the Secretary of State for Justice employed as a legal support administrator for hundreds of prisoners whilst serving a prison sentence.

HM Attorney General authorises fraudulent submissions to bolster a High Court claim against a former prisoner who the Secretary of State for Justice employed as a legal support administrator for hundreds of prisoners whilst serving a prison sentence.

Thousands of pounds of tax payer money is now being used up by HM Attorney General in order to obtain approval from the High Court that they hope will declare the Defendant, a former prisoner, a vexatious litigant. The AG alleges that between 2011 and 2020 [the bulk of the proceedings are said to have been made between 2016 and 2018] the prisoner Mr White [not his real name] brought a high number of claims mostly while serving a prison sentence for fraud in varying names the motive is unclear.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations has revealed the for over 10 years Mr White has been the subject of General Civil Restraint Orders GCROs, this is an order that prevents a person bring any civil action with the permission of designated judges for a specific period of time.

The High Court claim being brought by the AG is far more draconian in nature and is a lifetime order and is to be used only in the most extreme circumstances and is intended to prevent Mr White from bringing any civil proceedings in England and Wales without the strict permission of a series of judges who must scrutinise all further claims, applications or court filings from the date of the order.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations has obtained details from prison sources that confirm that Mr White whilst serving a prison sentence at HMP Swaleside in 2016 which houses some of the country’s most dangerous prisoners was given a post created by the Secretary of State for Justice and overseen by the then governor Paul Newton to act as an in-house lawyer to over a 1000 inmates. It appears that the service was oversubscribed such is the need for legal support in the nations prisons for civil issues that include damaged of lost property, negligence and illegal mail opening by prison staff.

Moreover, it appears unbeknownst to the AG that Mr White has manage to successfully settle matters out of court for over £1 million in nearly 70 claims, Financial Fraudster News Investigations tracked down a former inmate Mr C now released who shall remain anonymous who was assisted by Mr White when he sat with him at legal appointment Mr C stated as he held a photo on his smart phone of the cheque he received; “…everyone used the guy [Mr White] even the screws but the waiting list was long, you just told him the issue that you had and he was paid to do the lot, the guy didn’t even want any percentage he would refer you to outside help depending on any issues the governor Newton and the government were great on this one thing you know…”

Financial Fraudster News Investigations can reveal that several inmates currently serving and more than two dozen who have since been released from HMP Swaleside have come forward to say they were assisted with legal help from HMP Swaleside.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations have spoken to a prison officer who had received help with a civil matter from Mr White stated “…even officers some senior as well have taken full advantage of the free available help created by the SSJ especially the signposting services and the inmate behind the service was highly regarded amongst staff and inmates alike. When you really think it’s not rocket science and when a service can take the steam out of arguments for frontline landing officers that simply cannot be resolved through the prisons complaint process it’s a win-win for all.”

The AG’s claim against White is flawed when allegations rely solely on the work White was employed to do by the SSJ whilst being paid top compensation as far as prisoners pay in the prisons are concerned, he can be viewed in no other way other than an employee of the state. That would prevent any action being brought against an individual when no breach of contract or illegality exists.

As the AG continues oblivious by virtue that it would be unprecedented from such an employment position to exist it will be for the High Court to make the findings on the evidence before the court.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations has spoken to a legal specialist and public office fraud contributor John Robby who reviewed the material he stated “…that under the terms of Mr White’s employment of which there is little doubt that Mr White received pay from a newly created post that even senior staff employed at the prison were taken aback in any event all attempts by HM Attorney General must fall save for the Secretary of State for Justice facing the same claims the AG now relies on. Quite simply contractual estoppel will take precedence in any future proceedings and what the AG is trying to achieve in bringing this claim at the taxpayers’ expense is confusing to say the least.”

HM Attorney General and Mr White have so far decline to comment on this article.